Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Violet asking questions about salvation

Just got the kids to bed.  I am copying/pasting an email (with a few edits) I sent to Dave because I have been sitting here on the computer long enough and my eyes are getting super tired.  To preface this, I'll explain that Violet has been sincerely asking questions about salvation lately.  When putting the kids to bed on Sunday night,  Dave talked about salvation and how to be sure we are saved.  Violet whispered in Dave's ear "I want to talk to you about this later tonight." So after the 3 younger kids were sleeping, Dave brought her downstairs and went through some verses in Romans.  She read the verses herself from her Bible.  She "got" a lot of it, and understood that she is a sinner, and that Jesus took the punishment for her sin when he died on the cross.  She had a hard time and got squeamish when she pictured nails going through his hands.  I totally remember feeling that way as a kid.  Can't quite imagine that pain.  So after that discussion, she prayed and asked God sincerely to help her understand.

Fast forward two days to tonight.

I was chatting with Violet about VBS (Violet and Calvin went to Heartland Vineyard's VBS program tonight from 6:30-8:30), called Camp Vineyard) after getting the boys in bed.  I asked her to tell me about it and she said, "ya know, the lesson tonight was about God, and how he is the shepherd and we are his sheep, and if we get in trouble, he is like the shepherd and takes care of us and helps us somehow and he is always with us"
Then later she said, "I think God answered daddy's prayer last night when he prayed that I would understand."  I asked her if she was talking about her questions about being saved.  She said yes.  I pulled out the paper from my pocket that was given to us when leaving VBS tonight and it had John 3:16 on it with some suggested motions to help remember the verse.  She rattled it off as we know she's already memorized that verse. 
A little story popped into my mind of something my own mom told me when I was younger.  She was relating a story of when SHE was a child and remembers being saved.  My mom told me that when she was a little girl, one night she seemed confused about God and how to be saved when the verse John 3:16 came to her mind.  When she got to the part in the verse that says "that whoever believes in Him" she thought, "hey, I believe, anybody can believe, and I definitely believe." So that moment, she realized that she was saved. 
Violet got a shocked expression on her face and said, "it's that simple!  I just have to believe it! And I do believe it!"  
I said, "Yeah! these are all things you know, and you've learned since you were so little, and now that you believe that Jesus took care of your sin so you didn't have to, then you can know for sure that you are saved."  She seemed pretty happy.  And then was intermingling some goofy tricks with a pink blanket on the floor (she must be easily distracted)...and went a little limp because she was soooo tired from the whole day, I asked her to climb in bed.  She got in bed and I told her, "Ya know, when you get saved, angels are having a big party in heaven when someone decides to put their trust in Jesus to be saved." and she said "I bet they are sooo happy because one more kid is saved now!" (referring to her!)
She said, "I knew that! I knew angels had a party in heaven when someone gets saved, because one time, Frederick, you know, the one with all the brothers and sisters (I'm thinking Steinbron), he came to our Sunday School class and told everybody he had gotten saved, and the Sunday School teacher said about the angels having a party in heaven because they are so happy a child got saved."

I also asked her somewhere in the middle of that conversation ... "How good do you have to be to get to heaven?" and her response was, "NONE good."  
She also told me she is going to try be super super super nice to Calvin from now on.  So I mentioned that she now has the power in her with the Holy Spirit to make right choices.

So if you think of Violet, pray for her growth in Christ now as she begins her personal relationship with Jesus!

ETA: This morning she got on the phone with Dave (he is in CA this week) and she excitedly said to him, "Daddy, guess what? I got saved last night!" and she went on to explain the discussion we had at the night before.   He was rejoicing with her on the phone. 


  1. Maria I am grinning from ear to ear about this post! It was on my heart this past Sunday teaching Sunday School to remind the kids of the steps for being saved. We did the A B C's of salvation, but in reverse: Confess, Believe, Ask. You never know at what point the Lord will open their understanding. You so clearly expressed when Violet "got it"! Tell her to bring it up in Sunday School this coming Sunday!!! Praising God for her belief!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is such a sweet conversion experience and I trust that the Lord will continue to watch over His own. It is good to see how the salvation experience is in our generations. What a wonderful salvation. Naturally, we can marvel that anyone loves us or cares for us. We can't earn that personal affection either. But here is God loving on us through His Son and giving us a way to be saved.
    It also is a gift that God loves us, truly a gift.
    Love DAD Jon
