Friday, June 21, 2013

Eli stood up himself with out holding onto something

Two nights ago after the older 3 kids were in bed, Eli was still awake, and really enjoying all the attention he was getting from mom, dad, and Aunt Rachel.  He was smiling a lot, smacking things in his little arm-bouncing way, and got some kind of brave streak in him to start standing up and walking.

He began by standing up against something, I don't remember, a wall or a table.  He took a few steps, then plopped down on his bottom.  Then he put his two hands on the floor, got his feet under himself, and stood up.  Just like that, his first time standing up alone.  He seemed pretty proud of himself.  He took a few steps, then fell down.  He kept standing up, walking, falling, standing up, walking, falling, etc...and repeated this until he seemed tired.  It was the first time he seemed interested in learning of his own interest.  He seemed so determined.  It was mixed in with lots of laughing and "uh-ohs". :)

ETA (6-25-13): Eli now will stand up and walk across the room (wobbly and toddling) with no help.  The kids still exclaim and rejoice when he does this, so its still "new".  He even crawled bravely and confidently through the grass in the backyard, walking a few steps in the grass too.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very familiar scene from about 31 years and two months ago!

    Go Eli!

    Maybe he was just "showing off for the girls"
    and felt a bit braver than usual!

