Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Eli - 8 months old

I remember things to blog about when I put the most recent pictures from the camera on my computer.  Eli is continuing to grow up right before me ~ he's crawling much faster, pulls up to stand on anything tall he can get his hands on (my legs, the coffee table, a step stool, a chair leg...).  He enjoys more food now, easily taking bites of almost anything.  He doesn't really take the food out of his mouth and inspect it first.  The other night he ate some pieces of cooked carrot and seemed to really love them.  He still is nursing a few times a day.  His favorite times seem to be in the morning and after he wakes up from his naps.  During the day when he'd rather be watching the other kids run around he isn't as interested.

He feels big, sturdy and thick when I hold him.  He's very wiggly and doesn't like sitting on laps much anymore.  He'd much rather be crawling around exploring things.  He's still very smiley and laughs easily.

The older kids always seem enamored with him.  Calvin tells me constantly that he doesn't want Eli to grow up because he's so cute.  Violet likes to help out bathing Eli by holding him and can't seem to get enough squeezing his little chubby slippery body in the tub.

He still likes his pacis and muslin blankets to sleep with.  He's also still a semi-flexible sleeper...if we're around running errands and he misses a nap, he'll still fall asleep in the car seat or in my arms.  If he's super exhausted and doesn't want to deal with fussing it out first, he'll simply drop his head right on my chest and fall asleep if I'm holding him and he feels tired.  Its like "lights out"...he falls asleep about as quick as his daddy does at times. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing about Eli! What fun for the older kids to get a real baby to "play with". I am amazed he is always happy!! He must have Dave's positivity in his personality. ;-)
