Friday, February 01, 2013

A note from Violet's piano teacher

In case that isn't readable, the note says "I see a natural ability in Violet.  She learns quickly - is bright and eager and will do very well if she has time to keep practicing as the years and busy schedules go and grow!"  She's been taking piano lessons since October 2012. 

Practicing at home is sometimes a challenge.  She has a hard time focusing, and gets really silly sometimes, which is frustrating for whoever is helping her.  But once she gets her wiggles out and focuses, she picks up on what she's learning very quickly.  She ranges in emotions from elated to frustrated and crying every 20 minute session.  She's a perfectionist and if she's trying to play a song through with out making a mistake, one wrong key, and she's a mess.  But she gets through it, plays the song correctly, and does a happy dance through the tears.  I remember practicing piano when I was younger.  At times it felt like drugery, at times it was super fun.  I'm glad I was "forced" to practice, even through all my grumbling (thanks mom and dad!)


  1. Don't suppose an teacher ever wrote such a nicer note and it is a lasting impression for sure!

  2. Proud Auntie here! I am sure you as parents are proud of her too. It is so neat to hear of her strengths and talents as she grows up and I had to laugh about how within 30 min she can dip from tears to a happy dance! Sounds like a little bit of her mama when she was little. Lol
