Sunday, April 08, 2012

35 weeks

Baby boy has 5 more weeks to hang out with me in silence until he makes his appearance.  In some ways, as I remember from before, its easier to take care of baby while he's still in my womb.  No midnight feedings, no crying, no diapers, etc.  But these last few weeks I end up convincing myself that it would be easier to care for a newborn than to BE pregnant the last few weeks.  I am super exhausted just doing simple tasks (like unloading/loading the dishwasher or carrying laundry down the stairs)...its hard to hold my kids on my lap, they seem annoyed by the large baby bump in their way when they want to snuggle and read a favorite book.  I can't lean over and pick up something easily, the anticipation of baby's birth and figuring out what his name is going to be occupies more of my mind than I should allow.

I am beginning to hibernate...ha...I use that loosely because I purposely put myself in situations where I do not have to be in large crowds of people.  I get really weary of the comments from people...all over.  At church, at the grocery store, walking anywhere outside....there are comments about "the belly".  They all tend to be gawking "whoa! When are you DUE!?" or people will just say "wow, you've gotten huge!" and immediately start backpeddling knowing that what just came out of their mouth sounded terrible, even though they are referring to just my belly.

I don't mean to write this post like a big complaint, but I have to acknowledge that my "natural bent" is to be a pessimist, which is why Dave is such a good match for me, my natural positive optimist.  I tend to look at the negative side of things first, maybe that's just because I'm a simple, practical realist, not a dreamer.

1 comment:

  1. I read your comments!

    Mom says:"You are totally right, it is better to have a baby than to be pregnant the last few weeks."
