Sunday, April 08, 2012

Dave and I got to go away for 2 nights

Dave worked out a "little vacation" for us.  He asked his mom to come babysit for 2 nights so the two of us could get away for a short time before this baby arrives.  She was quick to say yes and he chose the Thurs and Fri before Easter to go.  Violet didn't have school on Friday so that made for less running around for Martha.  She arrived Thurs evening the 5th, and we packed up and left pretty late.  We drove to Galena, IL and spent Friday and most of Saturday checking out the town and its plentiful array of unique shops and restaurants.  The "getting ready" for the trip seemed stressful because its not easy to pull me away from home, let someone else take the reigns, and explain a lot of things about what they are allowed to do and how some things work.  But it worked out just fine.  Martha did a very good job and she said she enjoyed it too.

Dave and I did a LOT of walking, which was fine on Friday, but super tiring on Saturday.  Friday we went up and down Main St in Galena most of the entire day, doing whatever we wanted.  It was so odd....yet really nice.  The weather was beautiful.  We sat in a lot of coffee shops, parked ourselves on a lot of benches, ate some yummy treats, and bought a few things.  Friday we walked up all the steps to the upper streets of Galena which proved to be enough of a work out for me.  My legs were burning by the time we got back to the bottom.  I was glad for the break and especially to have the undivided attention of my husband for two days, that was the best part! 

A few pics from the trip:

These are the stairs that connect Main St to the streets above:

A view from the top:

I am assuming these are "bleeding hearts" flowers.  These we noticed half way up.

That's my side profile. :)

1 comment:

  1. Maria, you crack me up so bad. What an adorable random picture of your cute, cute profile!! Love it!! Those stairs are way cool. The flowers so exautic(sp?!) I have never heard of those! I am so happy you got Dave's undivided attention for a couple of days. Way to go mom, leaving your kids behind!! Next time will be easier and so will the next. :) yay for david thinking this one up for you!
