Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fun day - family pics and circus!

Our family had the chance to get together with a friend from Bethany, Faith Knepp, who is a photographer.  We got together at a park in Cedar Falls and took over 150 pics of our family together, Dave and I together, and myself alone to capture the last maternity belly pictures I will be sporting.  I asked her to take some pics of newborn baby boy when he makes his appearance as well.  We were at the park taking pictures for about an hour, and then we got lunch at Jimmy Johns and surprised the kids with the news that we were going to the circus at 3pm.  They were absolutely crazy-excited to go!  I think we went 2 yrs ago, Violet thinks she remembers some of it...which means she doesn't remember anything but thinks she is impressing us with her brain skills. 

It was overall worth it, even though it was a complete child-driven marketing smorgasbord.  The cotton candy, treats, junky toys, food, more junky toys, and "stuff" was everywhere, which we had prepared them for...and they knew not to ask for everything.  We did get them cotton candy for a treat.  The show started with the lions/tigers which captured their attention immediately.  Vanessa seemed to enjoy the show, but was restless and climbing around on our laps for the last half.  She did light up when the little dogs were jumping around and pointed to them excitedly.

Calvin told me his favorite thing was the motorcycles in the big ball and the girls that spun in fast circles on the ropes.

 Vanessa took comfort in Violet for part of the show
 Both kids got an elephant ride.  Calvin is peeking off to the side behind Violet.
 All tired out when we got home.  This late nap from 5-7 pm didn't allow them to get to sleep until around 10pm that night.


  1. Thanks for the post too!

    Did you see the eagle post?

  2. Wow! You guys make some really fun family memories! The circus was a fabulous idea. I am thrilled you got some nice family pictures and your baby boy will appreciate later seeing mommy when he was in her tummy. I always thought that was cool to see. I bet they are so cute!! Do share when you get them. Thanks fir writing!
