Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sister bonding time

Violet rarely gets alone time with Vanessa.  She got about 2 hours last night with Calvin removed from the picture.  Dave brought Calvin along on a shopping trip somewhere.  He was going to take both older kids but I asked if Violet could stay.  She was simply amazing.  She tended to Vanessa in a way I've never seen her do so before.  She propped her up on the table with crayons and paper and the two of them colored together (well, Vanessa scribbled and ate some crayons) while I prepared supper.  When coloring was over, they got down on the floor and played around endlessly, coming up with goofy things to make each other laugh.  I loved seeing the two of them interact.  I wish I had taken more pictures.  They rolled a ball around, hooked themselves together with her jump rope somehow, played hide and seek under blankets, and read books together.  Vanessa was loving the undivided attention Violet was giving her. :)

1 comment:

  1. And look at all of those colors!!!!!!!!!!!!
    whoo hoo go girls!
