Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Baby, baby, baby! Vanessa - 20 months old

Vanessa LOVES babies!  She has turned from my baby to loving to care for babies.  She steals Violet's baby doll all the time, and puts it to bed in as many places as she can figure out.  She also gets excited to turn light switches on and off herself, put on as many pairs of shoes she can find (boots, sandals, whatever), running across the length of the house with the other kids (if she doesn't get pushed down somehow), finding out what "big kid" stuff she can get into (she discovered the Tag reader makes noise on certain books), making people listen to her heartbeat with the stethascope (which actually works!), and escaping upstairs to dig into the tube of toothpaste whenever she finds the bathroom door unlocked.  She puts on shoes and waves her hand and says "bye!" and pretend to go out the garage door.  She is also very particular about which sippy cup she drinks out of.  She has learned the infamous word "no" by saying "mo".  She loves reading books but has no patience to be "read to".  She looks at what pictures she is interested in, throws the book to the side and quickly gets up to get another one.  She also hums along to when I sing her "Jesus Loves Me" before I put her to bed at night.  She has learned the art of throwing fits, too.  She is so funny and also quite a handful!


  1. If you haven't gotten her one by the time your little one is born, I'll get Vanessa a doll to play with so she can be "mommy" too!
    So precious.

  2. Dad:
    Thanks for writing, it is very interesting!

  3. I love this kid! So fun to hear how she grows up
