Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Very full day

I intend on writing more but wanted to record today's events in order so I don't forget.  Its late and I wanna go to bed!

-up at 6:45, shower & get ready, get Violet up at 7am.  Calvin is up, feed them cheerios.
-say goodbye to Dave, headed to MN for 1 night
-eat breakfast, pack V's lunch
-at 7:40 V and C buckle in van
-drag Vanessa out of bed, quick change diaper, in van with milk
-take Violet to school
-back home, feed Vanessa breakfast, get her dressed
-Calvin to school at 8:45
-head to Waterloo to do some Sams Club shopping, get there and realize it doesn't open til 10.   Get coffee instead, show up early at doc's office for Vanessa's late 18 mo check.  She dirties a diaper in waiting room, I used exam table in dr's room to change dipe and she freaks out probably remembering her shots 3 months ago.  Refuses to cooperate at weight check/length measurement, throws head back and smacks it on metal edge of scale, more screaming.
-dr check went great, ears look much better. Left is clear, right has tiny amt of uninfected fluid, doing better.  Dr is happy with ears.  Had to get 1 last shot, hep B.  Freaks out, gets shot, calms down, eats snack, in stroller, finally happy.
-go to Sams, get necessary items, leave in time to pick up Calvin at 11:30. 
-weather is so nice we go for a long walk, he trikes w/ me walking, goes down big hill once
-lunch at home, Vanessa takes nap from 12:50-2:35.  I read books to Calvin for 30 min, then he plays little einsteins on computer wearing headphones so I can take a 30 min nap.
-wake up at 2:35 to get nessa out of bed, go get Violet from school.  Pack library books in van to return them later.
-get violet, let the kids all play at playground at v's school for an hour, they loved it.
-snacks in van (mixture of almonds/raisins/peanuts/craisins/m&ms and choc chips) coming up with mixtures of flavors
-library for an hour, kids play, I choose 20 new books
-leave library
-supper at home
-play time
-start bedtime at 7pm
-vanessa goes crazy looking at books, seems insatiable, flipping as many pages on as many books as possible, eventually get her in bed
-read books for 40 min to v and c, Bible story, call dad, prayer, lights out!
-i spent 2 hrs power cleaning....cleaning up my trail of messes thru the day get folded laundry off couch, 1/2 of it put away, random toys on floor put away, papers filed, kitchen floor swept, cloth dipes in the washing machine, empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, file more papers, change a stinky garbage in the bathroom, sit down....turn on relaxing music....decide to enjoy the quiet moment but can't shake the feeling I need to get up and do something because just sitting and doing nothing is weird.
-notice new baby's kicking and movement for the 1st time all day. :)
-call Dave, have to cut phone call short, hear Calvin screaming, get him up, he says leg hurts, take him to the bathroom, he calms down, gets a drink, goes back to bed happily (that boy is a range of emotions lemme tell ya)....I head to my bedroom, blog quick....and crash.


  1. Gladys and Harry
    Loren and Row
    Others too numerous..
    blazed this trail too, and it is amazing to have you write about it.
    May God be with you in EACH moment!
    Sincere, Happy Warm cuddly and happy love

  2. Well said Jon,
    May all your days be as blessed!

  3. Wow! ONE DAY in the life of mommy Maria! To say "Good job" seems so minuscule when you deserve one of those "hurrah's" after every event but- "Good Job!", I say... and for sure God is watching your diligence and is eager to bless you and Dave on a job, an important job, well done! Fun read.
