Thursday, January 05, 2012

All better now!

As quickly as the sickness was here, it was gone!  Everybody seems to be feeling better!  And the best part is....I did not catch it.  We heard that Kim got sick in the car on her drive home on Monday Kim & Shawn, their son Caleb, Dave, Violet, Vanessa and Calvin all were affected by the stomach bug.  I'm thanking the Lord he prevented me from getting it, even though I was closest in proximity to everybody.

1 comment:

  1. It has been going around here too and it's a virus they say...transmitted by out for grocery cart handles...perhaps have the antibodies since you've paid your stomach dues when you were younger...but most likely it was the Lord's enabling you to care for everyone else...He knows our down sitting and our up rising all the time and gives us the grace and ability to go through trials!
    Glad all is better,
