Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Calvin's 4 yr doctor check up

I brought Calvin into the pediatrician for his 4 yr well child check up on Wed., Jan 25th.  I knew he had to get some shots so I didn't tell him until a few minutes before we had to leave, so he wouldn't freak out and anticipate the worst for any longer than he had to.  When I told him I was taking him to the doctor, he immediately got a scared look on his face and started to cry saying "Do I have to get shots!?" and I told him yes, but the doctor would start by checking out his eyes, ears, tummy, knees, feet, etc, and he started to smile.   I tried distracting him from the big "S" word with other doctor type conversation.  I got him there at 9:30, his appointment was at 9:45.  He remembered the snowman at the end of the hallway right when we walk in.  His favorite part is always pushing the elevator buttons.  He liked pushing the #4 button for floor 4 because he is now 4 yrs old.  We waited what seemed like forever in the waiting room.  Calvin wanted Vanessa to play with him, so they both ran around like crazy.   The waiting seemed so long that both kids got bored with all the toys there.  Vanessa needed a diaper change in the time we waited and Calvin eventually stared out the 4th floor window watching cars and trucks drive by from high above.

The snowman is barely visible at the end of this long hallway, but it provided much conversation!

Vanessa's stressed out expression from her dirty diaper:

When we got called back, he got his weight and height checked. He is 3 ft 5.5" (41.5") tall, and 38.9 lbs. (At 4 yrs old Violet was 40 inches and 40 lbs). He is predicted to be 6 feet tall or taller when he is full grown! I can't believe my little guy is going to pass me up someday!

The nurse had him to a quick vision test. He stood at one spot far away from a wall with pictures on it and she asked him certain things. He motioned in a circle with his fingers when she pointed to a circle, and said "cup, cross, hand" for the other things. Vision is about 20/30, pretty good.

When we got in the dr's room, Vanessa started whimpering and crying.  She remembered her last traumatic visit to the doctor, and eventually calmed down and got comfy in the stroller when she realized she didn't have to get out. 

The nurse came in the room (#4), and took his blood pressure.  He sat very still and smiled through it.  BP was 98/64.

The doctor came in, and did all the checks I told him she would do.  He put on a little hospital gown which he thought was pretty funny.  She looked in his ears, eyes, mouth, checked his belly, knocked his reflexes on his knees/ankles, muscles (and noted he seemed super strong!) etc...can't remember everything.  He was quiet, cooperative, and answered back to all her questions by nodding, as she kept trying to ask him questions that would get him to talk.  :)  He eventually got talkative.  Doctor complimented him, not finding a thing "wrong" with him saying he was perfect.  He got that idea in his head that he was perfect too.


She left, and I got his shirt back on, but not his pants. He got silly and put his pants on his head.

I knew he had to get his shots now so when the 2 nurses came back in with the vaccinations on the tray, I got him back up on the table, lay down, and I had to hold his arms down. They made quick work of the shots, 2 in his right leg, 1 in his left.  He screamed and tensed up when he realized what was going on....bandaids slapped on, and then they left. He seemed pretty sad, but I held him for a long time and told him it was all over and I would get him a special treat. He took a few minutes to calm him down, get his pants on, and head over to the sticker basket. They told him he could have 3 stickers, but he only wanted 2. He picked two Ratatouille stickers and put them on his shirt. We left, and made a short shopping trip in Ben Franklin right nearby, and I got him a big cherry sucker and a pinwheel toy (that yard thing that spins when you blow on it).

All better!

I drove through Cabin Coffee (I had to have a treat too, right?) before heading home, and the drive back was quiet and uneventful. Vanessa wanted Calvin's sucker, so I asked him to hide it from her. 

Dad and Rachel, just for the record...when we got home and he finished his sucker, he informed me he had to brush his teeth because he had just eaten a lot of sugar.  haa!  So we brushed his teeth. :)

The next day Calvin complained that his leg hurt, so I offered him some medicine for
the pain.  He admantly said no.  Not sure why...trying to be a tough guy already?


  1. must have been memorable !


  2. Wonderful Maria!
    Just love your moment by moment account.
    Yes, Calvin looks so happy to have it over and get a treat...and he did so well through it all...having the Dr. Kit might have been good preparation?
    Love you all,

  3. OH - and YOU deserved your treat for sure!!

  4. Thanks for writing all that good stuff!
