Saturday, December 03, 2011

Vanessa's curly hair

I am posting this pic because its something not many people actually see.  All it takes is a diaper change or a ride in her car seat to make the back of it all fuzzy and tangled.  After a bath, her hair curls up in such adorable ringlets. 


  1. Cute picture and curls!

  2. I totally understand! I feel the same way. My hair looks nice for about 2 minutes in the morning and then i put it up for work and it never looks the same for the rest of the day! :P cute pic, our family sure has the curly gene in there somewhere!! That is a Pavicic trait- Gpa Joe had the most wave.

  3. I just realized the star from the Christmas tree makes it look like a star is shooting up from her head. haha!

  4. Yes, that little star was funny looking!

    As for curls, Vanessa most likely got them from you, as your hair was all curly when you'd come out of the tub or on a humid day too!

