Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dave has strep throat, not the flu

Dave has been sick since the day we left Milwaukee.  His throat started hurting, then he started getting the chills and body aches.  No puking through.  He is miserable, taking whatever he can to push off feeling the awful symptoms of the flu.  He is either freezing cold to the core (wearing hats and mittens in the house!) to feeling burning hot, and taking his shirt off.  I told him to go to the doctor tomorrow...we'll see if he takes my suggestion.  He's pretty miserable though, not able to do much.

update....he doesn't have the flu.  He saw his doc today and a test for strep came back positive.  He has a Rx for penicillin and some strong pain meds to help the throat pain go away so he can function. 


  1. Oh Dave, I feel your pain!
    I mistook RR's symptoms for Strep and she had
    gingivostomatitis. Strep is no fun either!

  2. How are the strep patients feeling?
    Did Dave find some relief from the throat pain?

  3. I'm back in the saddle at 100%. Thanks for checking in, Jon. All is well.
