Thursday, December 08, 2011

Vanessa - 18 months

I jotted down a list of words Vanessa can jibber and wanted to blog it quick before I forgot to do it or lost the paper.  Here goes...its pretty short. :)
- mama
- dada
- hot
- cheese
- owie
- fishie
- Hannah
- Pizza (which sounds like glah)
- more
- poopoo
- hi
- baba (her blankie and baby, she uses the same word for both)
Stuff about Vanessa right now:
- We often call her "Nessa" or "Nessie", she's the only child who has developed a nickname so far
- She walks/runs everywhere, rarely crawls. 
- She is crazy about shoes right now.  I think her favorite thing is to get into the shoe closet and pull out every single pair of shoes and boots and put them on her feet and tromp around the house.  She frequently puts on boots that are too big for her, trips, falls, and cries. 
- She climbs up on the kitchen table chairs and is constantly taking stuff she knows she isn't supposed to play with (scrunching up the other kid's drawings, taking markers, pens, etc).
- She doesn't like her high chair at all.  I still put her in it at times when I have to keep her in one place and when I'm feeding her, but she would much prefer to sit on my lap and eat.
- She loves yogurt, oatmeal with raisins, noodles, crackers and seems to be my most picky eater.  She doesn't like typical snacks like cheese slices, chunks of fruit or veggies.  She knows the crinkle of a candy wrapper and goes nuts and begs for it by saying "uh uh uh uh uh" over and over.  Especially the bag of chocolate chips and m&ms.  She does drink lots of liquids.  She has a definite preference which sippy cup she wants to drink out of.  If we offer her another one she isn't wanting at the moment, she will shove it away. 
- She does not really play with toys.  She prefers to dig items out of my kitchen cabinets and drawers and spread them aroun the house.  
- She enjoys peekaboo, tickling, chasing, and being goofy.
- She enjoys getting into the older kid's business, and if they are willing to let her play, the 3 of them will get along decent for about.....15 seconds.  She enjoys bothering them and knocking down things they are working on, she kind of drives them nuts.  Often Violet and Calvin will leave to play downstairs where they can't bother her, and leave her upstairs to whine and fuss with me.  She loves Violet and Calvin so much, she often runs up to them for hugs, and they're often receptive to hugs from her too.  She cuddles up to Violet and snuggles up to her shoulder sometimes too.  Violet loves that attention.  She says "Aww, she loves me like mama!"
- Vanessa also likes cuddling her face into my fleece coat if I'm holding her and we're outside in cold weather. 
- She has to sleep with her "baba", which means her blankie and baby together.  A little stuffed baby and a pink blankie that was given to her as a baby gift that has a ladybug on one side and strips on the other.  When I get her out of bed in the morning, those two items among lots of other blankets are what she always chooses to take with her.
- She loves to give kisses.  She sometimes will grab my face, turn it towards her face, and plant one right on me.
Edited to add:  At her 18 mo dr check (late!) On Jan 10th, she was 23 lbs 4 oz, 32" tall and head is 19".
I also took her to the chiropractor I usually see and he adjusted her lower neck.  The fluid behind her ear drums is 99% gone!

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary!! It is fun for me to learn about her. I feel like I barely know her! It was so nice holding her today. She even reached for me once and let me carry her away from mama. Different kid since july!
