Monday, September 12, 2011

Vanessa, 15 month well baby check

I say "well baby" cuz that's what they call it at the doctor's office, but she's not a baby anymore!  Totally toddler, she is nearly impossible to take pictures of, because she's in motion 100% of the time she's awake.

At the doctor's office today, she weighed 21 lbs 6 oz, 31" long, and head measured 19 cm around.  Height (50-75th %) and weight (25th %) - my long and skinny kid.  However, her head was in the 95th %.  Big ol' noggin...

She got her last round of shots (3) and one more finger prick to test iron levels.  She screamed but was happy when I picked her up.  Calvin intently watched the whole process.  He is next up for his boosters when he turns 4. 

She got really uncomfortable when doctor checked her tummy and listened to her heart beat, but otherwise, was a happy kid.  Her ears, lungs and mouth all look great!

She can say:
-baba (blanket or baby)
-cheese (this sounds all muffled)
-uh-oh (if that counts as a word)

I did take a few good pics the other day.

 Vanessa modeling the winter hat I made her:

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