Tuesday, May 10, 2011

first HOT day of the year

Its May 10th, and its the first HOT day of the year.  It feels amazing!!  The kids spent ALL morning in the backyard playing on the swingset and playing with the water spraying out of the sprinkler heads of the irrigation system.  Normally it isn't spraying during the day, just in the overnight hours, but for some weird reason 8 sprinkler heads were on, and stayed on all morning.  The kids got out their digger toys and moved water from place to place, both getting soaking wet.  I didn't think to put sunscreen on them (will do it next time!) so they both have nice farmer tanlines already.  They ate lunch on the deck.  I have a feeling Calvin's nap will be a long one, he was super tired and cranky by 1:45 from being in the sun all day.  It was really nice just peeking at them out the window every 5 minutes and accomplishing a lot of things inside!  I got the dishwasher emptied, dinner dishes from last night loaded, breakfast dishes in, kitchen cleaned, laundry sorted, toys put away, 4 loads washed and dried already, fed kids lunch, washed diapers, put Calvin and Vanessa to bed, and Violet is watching her Go Fish superstar video.

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