Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Consulting the Bible about how to play with their toys

Monday was a wonderful day!  The morning was relaxed, Dave was off work because of Memorial Day, we spent most of the day with friends, and the weather was great!

The morning was entertaining, however.  Violet and Calvin started creating a "path" with as many toys as they could find in the cabinet.  With the addition of each toy and the decision about which direction the path should go, they decided to consult with the Bible about what to do next.  I was busy with something else (probably sorting laundry and feeding Vanessa breakfast) and wasn't really paying attention to what they were doing until I heard Violet say "let's go read the Bible to find out what to do next".  They were running over to the couch and opening up a book taken from the bookshelf they thought was the Bible...pretending to read the instructions...and finding whatever toy it was they were instructed to get, and proceeded to continue building their path.  The verse Psalm 119:105 came to my mind: "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

I kept Vanessa happy in the chair connected to the kitchen island countertop so she didn't mess up their toy project. 

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