Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dave painted his Sunday School classroom today

This project of his started as a result of all his Sunday School classroom kids voicing their opinion that their classroom was unkept and boring.  They suggested painting it a different color, and Dave thought that was a good idea.  They are all 11-12 yr olds.  Every kid had a different color suggestion.  After a few weeks of deliberation they came to an agreement on a blue accent wall and the other 3 walls a light grayish color. 

He's been working on it all day.  He left at 8:15 am to go prep the room with painting tape and plastic on the floor.  Brianna, Kari Jo and Violet helped (Brianna mostly) tape.  Violet was able to focus long enough to put strips of tape against the rubber trip on half of the whole room.  I think she did a decent job too because Dave didn't move it.  The room was finally prepped in 3 hours.  Calvin ran around the church building and I watched Vanessa crawl around.  We came home for a lunch break, I put the younger 2 to bed, and Violet went with Dave to help him paint.  Its been a long day for him.  I called him around 5 to check progress and he said 3 of the 4 walls were painted.  I offered to bring some pizzas for supper, so after the kids woke up from their naps I went and got 2 pizzas and brought them to the church building.  Vanessa ate a whole piece of cheese pizza, Calvin had 2, Violet ate 1.  I let the kids play on the playground equipment for a couple hours so they could burn off some energy.  They were completely FILTHY when I got them they went straight to the tub.  I let all 3 of them play in the water in the big tub in my bathroom - which they love.  I took Vanessa out and let V and C fill up the tub with more water.  After bathtime, I read them a couple books and they both went to bed without any trouble - I could tell they were exhausted! 

Dave just called me to say he finished up the last wall and got done cleaning the brushes and rollers...its 9:53 pm!

1 comment:

  1. Great example of family team work!
