Sunday, May 06, 2007

we have a babbbblerrr

Lately Violet has really started becoming more vocal! She babbles senseless talk all the time and acts as if she's having little conversations with herself...usually following up a babble with a little giggle. She can copy a word we say (not really sounding right but its a valiant effort). She's repeated book, sticker, chicken, all done, poopie...all kinds of words. I know I listed a few words that she uses, but I can't remember what they are and maybe there are more than last time, so I'll do it again: mama dada (or gaga...but lately she refers to both of us as mama) gaga (for banana) buh baba Abby ca (for car) puhpuh (for poopie) wawa (water) rara (sounds like wawa but when I ask her to say Rachel she says acka) bah! (for ball) uh oh oooh (with lips pursed) as a fun sound effect She's advanced physically too...she practically runs places, plunking her little feet as fast as they'll carry her when she's excited to go somewhere. Lately she loves to be covered up in a blanket. She'll squeal in laughter and giggle and try work her way out of it. She recognizes Grandma and Grandpa (my mom and dad) and I think its great! My dad stopped by, and she walked right up to my dad and he picked her up, and she was totally OK with it. If any stranger did that, she's freak out and want mama. She is 31" and 25.5 lbs. Dave wanted me to document a daddy moment he had today. After we got home from church Violet had to go poopie, so he stuck her on the toilet and she started going, but immediately started crying hysterically. It became obvious that the poop she was trying to push out was too big. Dave took a little peek and saw the terd trying to come out but it was too big. He asked for a pair of rubber gloves, and helped Violet get it out. Violet, if you are reading this later on in life, I know you'll appreciate the documentation of this event in your life! It was just really the first time you've had trouble in this area, and dad had to deal with it, not me. :)

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