Sunday, May 13, 2007

sleeping issues....

...and we're both having them. Since I found out I was pregnant, I have been waking up in the middle of the night (maybe around 3 am) and not being able to get back to sleep. Sometimes I would get up and move to the recliner in our room or the couch out in the living room to try fall asleep, but most other times, I toss and turn and try to get comfortable again in the bed, and it takes me forever to do so. Its so frustrating. I wake up very unrested and grouchy. This has been happening for about 2 weeks I think. Violet, on the other hand, has figured out how to shove her legs through the wood slats of her crib. One night she started crying (and usually we just let her fuss herself back to sleep because if we go in to her room, it becomes a bigger deal than if we just let her calm herself down), but this time it wasn't just crying. She started screaming, and it lasted for longer than 15 min. I felt so bad when I walked in there and found her in the corner of her crib face down, with both legs through the crib slats totally stuck. Her chubby little legs were squished, so I pulled her free and rocked her back to sleep while she calmed down from the screaming. That took her around 30 minutes to calm down. The next day at nap time it happened again, only this time it was only 1 leg. The next morning it was one leg. Why is she doing this?!! Its so annoying for both of us, I think. She gets stuck and hurt and can't sleep. She makes us get up in the middle of the night to rescue her. Hmmm. I hope hope hope this is a phase and she learns not to do this!

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