Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Violet's appointment with the cardiologist

Today was a traumatic day for Violet. She had her EKG scheduled at 11:30 this morning so the doc could get a better idea whats going on with her heart. Before I go into it, I'll say that the results were outstanding. She only has a minor innocent heart murmur that poses no threat to her health or physical activity!! Praise God! I'm so happy! So, we left our house around 10:45. I got to the hospital check-in window promptly at 11:15 so I could spend some time filling out paperwork. I think I filled out 3 forms and then later they found that I missed one so I had to fill out another one. The information they need is incredible! Violet was happy as can be, waving and smiling at people. She sat in her stoller and played with some animal stickers while we waited. We were then called to come back, so I left the stroller in the waiting room while we went back to the doctor's rooms. The nurse talked to me a little bit and explained what was going to happen. She said an EKG is a very simple and quick test....the most time consuming part is hooking her up to the machine with all the stickers and everything. The moment the two nurses came in with the machine on wheels was the moment she got a sour face and started crying. She immediately wanted to bury her head in my shoulder....but when I wouldn't let her, her screams only got stronger and louder. They took her blood pressure with the little cuff and it was normal I think...her heartrate was around 190 (way high!) because she was so stressed out. Once they got all the little sticky patches on her skin and hooked up to the machine, we tried to calm her down with toys, books, stickers, a toy frog, anything to keep her distracted and calm enough for 10 seconds so the test would run successfully. Thankfully, she found comfort in one of the nurse's green plastic frogs on a string and the test came out fine. Once they finished, she got unhooked and and nurses left, telling me the cardiologist would be in to see us soon. She then was happy as a clam again! She walked around the room exploring things and grabbed a few books and magazines from the magazine rack hooked to the edge of the countertop in the room. We scanned through a few magazines for distraction purposes. The doctor came in about 5 minutes later and talked to me a bit about murmurs. He tried to listen to her (as I sat her in my lap) but the scareyness of the stethascope and his presence sent her into a crying frenzy again. He grabbed stickers and anything we could find to try calm her down again. Eventually she stopped crying and he could listen. He said he heard the murmur faintly, but that it was an innocent one and there was no hole in her heart, just extra whooshing of blood in her heart valves that poses no risk to her health. He was happy to hear that and give me a clear diagnosis for her and not to limit any of her physicial activity since "nothing was really wrong" that needed medical attention. He said he'd like to hear her heart again in about a year's time. His next suggestion was to take an X-ray of her chest area to make sure that her heart is the right size and shape for her body and age. So, I got a lab sheet to go re-register in radiology, a separate wing of the hospital. She was happy to get the stickers off her skin and put her shirt back on. We walked back to get the stroller and I put her in with some melon chunks to eat while we traveled through the hospital. She happily munched away. While we registered for that, I called Dave with the good news. He was happy to hear it as well! So, we got to radiology and soon after settling down playing with some toys in the waiting room, the nurses called us back. I wheeled her down the hallway, and they came out to ask if I could possibly be pregnant. Well, I told them "Yes! I am!" and that of course, meant that I couldn't be in the x-ray room with Violet. So, the two girls took her away from me kicking and screaming while they did the x-ray. Thankfully, they were quick and painless. I couldn't see anything, but from what they told me, they had Violet sitting in a chair strapped in with her arms held over her head. The screaming was hard to hear sitting in the hallway by myself...but she stopped temporarily. They nurses said once she got strapped into the machine she was fine. Weird. Anyway, they gave Violet back to me and we got her shirt and shoes back on. I was free to go, but curious if I could see the pictures of the x-ray. They said sure! So, I walked back to another room and got to see a couple of the x-rays of Violet's chest. Nothing really crazy....a lot of bones and a thing in the middle of her chest where her heart is and an air bubble obviously in her stomach...kindof funny. Probably from her frantic screaming. We were both thankful to be done. I put her back in her stroller with some fish crackers and she ate those all the way to the car. Almost the moment she got all buckled in and the car started moving, she konked out and fell asleep. The whole 30 minute drive home she slept, and when I pulled in the driveway and turned off the engine, she continued to stay sleeping, so I put her in her crib at home to sleep more, and she slept for around 2 1/2 more hours. She definitely needed the sleep because the whole morning at the hospital caused her to skip her normal 10:30 nap. That was our day. She got over it, but most of all I'm glad there is nothing wrong and that she doesn't need to get the echo-cardiogram on Friday that was previously scheduled in case something more serious had been found out. *whew*!! Glad today is over!

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