Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Violet's heart murmur

Its hard to even type those words in the title of this post. Its hard to think that your baby has anything wrong with her when she's barely been sick in her life. I switched pediatricians because Dave and I didn't like the other guy (Dr. Pranger). For many reasons, but to avoid ranting, I'll just say we are glad we switched. We are seeing Dr. VanSickle in Waterloo (she's with Covenant, not Allen). She is much easier to talk to! I am glad we switched. ANYWAY, she checked Violet at 15 mo. We are late in scheduling this one, so she's closer to 16 months. She heard a heart murmur. I don't know how serious it is, but she said that at this age, any heart murmur is more serious than one in a child that is less than a year old. She asked if our other doctor heard it. I said no. She was surprised. She said that the only thing to do is see a pediatric cardiologist for a preliminary EKG test (which is a quick test) and then depending on the results of that, she may or may not need the ECHO-cardiogram. The echo test is more extensive, which would prevent Violet from drinking or eating the morning of the test, and she'd have to be sedated for an hour to lay there for the entire test. Most patients don't have to be sedated for this test, but because of her age, she wouldn't be able to lie down for an hour controlled. So.....I don't know whats going to happen. Tuesday next week is the initial exam with the cardiologist. He'll perform the EKG and then let us know from there. I'm just praying everything is alright and trusting God to see us through this.

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