Monday, July 06, 2015

Visit from Josh & Carrie

Josh and Carrie's 15 yr wedding anniversary is coming up July 8th.  A few months ago they reached out to family to see if anyone could watch their kids for a few days.  We volunteered and gave them a few dates that worked.  We figured out that June 30-July 5 would be an open set of days for both our families.  They arrived the evening of June 30, stayed one night, had breakfast, then took off for Galena to enjoy some time alone.  They came back on Friday afternoon around 3 and joined us in time for a picnic at our church to celebrate 4th of July.  During those days with Austin, Renee and Wes at our house, the cousins had a blast.  Yes, it was busier, more chaotic, and messier, but the kids together had so much fun.  Renee and Violet were inseparable, Austin and Calvin were inseparable, and the younger 3 did OK together.  The mornings after breakfast were reserved for playtime and outings.  After lunch and reading time was reserved for electronic games and/or movies.  Afternoons and evenings the 10-foot blow up pool was popular (if filled with warm water).  Wed, July 1st we all drove out to Heartland Farms and jumped on the jumping pillow and picked strawberries.  Thursday morning we went for a walk downtown and played at the splash pad in Waterloo, and Friday morning we walked to Southdale park and played there all morning.  Saturday morning J&C joined us on a little walk downtown CF and explored the farmer's market, Cup of Joe, and a park across the street from COJ (Gateway).  We had lunch at Pablo's and came back home.  There were a lot of pancakes flipped, quesadillas made, cereal bowls poured, chicken grilled, hot dogs heated up, apples sliced, strawberries hulled, and carrots dipped in ranch.  Games were played, a movie in the theater was viewed (Big Hero 6!)....and I think the dishwasher was ran twice a day.  A few timeouts for some kids who didn't treat adults or siblings/cousins with kindness.  Fireworks were oohed and aaahed at, sandbox was played in, swings swung, pool splashed in, and legos were distributed all over.  There was high demand for dry towels when getting out of the pool.  It is a blessing to bless others.

A few pics from the week:


  1. Thanks for writing this post. I appreciate being able to read about the family

  2. It was so much fun I read it a second time!
