Monday, July 06, 2015

Violet is off to her second year of Willowbrook Camp!

We rode down to Des Moines yesterday with Selena and Ivy.  Our big 9 1/2 yr old girls!  Bree Gartin had saved a couple bunk beds for Violet and Ivy - I thought that was so sweet. Tony and Randy are the camp directors again, and the counselors for the girls are Kari Jo Wilson, Hannah and Allisa Gartin - all 3 girls Violet is good buddies with.  She was happy to help me pack on Sunday afternoon before Selena picked us up at 2.  This was on the tail end of a long visit from cousins so she's had a pretty eventful week.  I hope she sleeps well this week at camp.
I'm so thankful she is able to experience camp in this setting! A small, safe, somewhat local environment with people she is familiar with is a great start.  We prayed together and the girls were ready for the moms to go after getting them all set up.
It is still odd to think she's 2 hours away.
Thankfully Calvin and Vanessa have been playing REALLY well together lately.  I think they're enjoying their time together.  Eli just asked me "Where's Biolet?" I told him she's at camp with her friends and he said, "ok!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, I have very fond memories of church camp as a youth. Brighton Iowa Lake Darling for BSA on one side and church on the other side. The nights with lightening bugs were memorable.
