Monday, July 27, 2015

Vanessa (5) and Eli (3) doctor checks

I had forgotten I'd scheduled doctor check ups for these two kids.  My phone calendar notified me that these two kiddos had well-child checkups with the pediatrician on Monday at 11:45 am.  My first day "back from vacation".  Wasn't too big of a deal.   It actually worked out OK because I needed the doctor to give a glance at Calvin's big toe, which he smashed pretty hard with a hammock pole on Sunday evening.  Never in my life have I heard him scream from his thousands of injuries worse than this one.  He was messing with the large "S" hook on the end of one pole that was not connected and it came out of the hole and the pole dropped onto his big toe.  yeah, ouch.  Anyway, after 30 minutes of screaming and crying, ice, and ibuprofen, he calmed down.  We had thought to take him to the ER for xrays, in case it was fractured or something, but ultimately decided to wait.  

So, that's a back story.  I realized the younger two kids had appointments so I was glad for the opportunity to bring Calvin and ask her about his toe.

Violet stayed home with Dave while he worked in his office.  I think she read books.  Either way, she didn't need to go.  She was sad for Calvin's injury and I think had a vested interest in what the doctor was going to say but it was just easier for me to remove one child from the scene so the visit to the doctor was less hectic.  Those rooms are tiny anyway.

We drove there and Vanessa and Eli took turns pushing buttons to open the doors.  Vanessa knew to push the 4 button the way up and the LL (lower level) button on the way back down.  Eli and Vanessa got all their numbers from the nurse - Eli is 38.2 lbs and Vanessa is 40.3.  One of these days he's going to pass her up.  Vanessa's BP was 96/55 and Eli's was 80/40 or numbers close to those.  Quick vision testing - both said the image of the house across the hallway as a barn, not a house, and Eli copied her and said it was a bar.  

Both younger ones were to change into those little robes that open in the back.  Vanessa was excited, put it on, and said, "I'm the angel of arendale!!" and danced around in it.  Eli did not like it, and ripped off the "jamas" he called them.  

Doctor came in and examined them all, and concluded both are in perfect health.  Eli answered the doctor's question "what is your favorite color?" by pausing to think and answering "purple".  She asked him if he was a boy or a girl and he answered boy.  Doc asked what his favorite food is and he said, "oatmeal".  He willingly laid down and let doc check his body, smiling and turning his head a lot.  He happily reached down and touched his toes when she looked at his back.  For such a stinker he can be, he has another joyful agreeable side to him that came out in the office.  

Vanessa enjoyed the check up too.  Pokes, questions, etc.  She said "Vanessa Jo LaMarche" when doc asked her what her full name was.  

She looked at Calvin's puffy black and blue toe and decided since it looked bruised and not out of line, and acknowledged that the specific area that got smashed is an incredibly sensitive part of the body - her suggestion was to wait a week and if pain stayed the same or got worse, then get it checked out further.  Calvin was good with that.  Its kinda funny having Calvin temporarily handicapped.  He is walking on the side of his foot and can't run.  He told me when leaving the doctors office that walking is actually kind of nice.  Normally he'd be running ahead as far as he's allowed.

So happy and thankful for healthy kids!!  (it was helpful to not have any shots today!  Next will be Eli's boosters when he is 4)

waiting rooms are always an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a nice article and for posting again!
