Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Vanessa's preschool Christmas program - Dec 18, 2013

Vanessa was part of her preschool Christmas program on Dec 18, 2013.  She gathered with her teachers, Mrs. Nuece and Mrs. Netz and all the kids in her class, along with all the other classes OHCP has.  I found a red dress with bows on it for her to wear which made her extremely excited!  It was a size 5 but fit her just fine.  She did a great job, and didn't seem nervous.  Although when we first brought her there she was pretty grumpy and not cooperative.  Dave told her she could eat a cookie when we got home if she did a good job.  Bribery must have worked that time because she cheered up, and asked for her cookie as soon as we walked in the door.  She was her cute little self during the performance making faces and doing the motions to the songs they all sang together.  Rachel came to see it as well.  The auditorium at OHC was so full we sat in the back on some folding chairs that were set up.

We saw her line up and walk in with all the kids, and she waved to us on her way in. 

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