Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Vanessa - Fall 2013

When I think of Vanessa, I think "personality!" She's very social, will attach herself to just about anybody who will give her attention.

- is almost 3.5 years old
- is starting to speak her words more clearly, although there are sounds she can't make.  She can't say "duck", instead she says "guck".
- loves puzzles
- loves books being read to her.  She would sit on the couch all day with me and read books if I had the time to do that.
- loves Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  She watches 2 shows every day and memorizes the little tunes and songs and sings them all day "Everyone is Big Enough...Big enough to do something" and "If you have to go potty, stop and go right away...flush and wash and be on your way" and "You can take a turn, and then I'll get it back.." and "You gotta try new food cuz it might taste good.." there are tons of them, but she really loves to sing them and it helps her sometimes to try new things or remember to wash her hands after she flushes.  When two shows are over, she turns off the receiver and TV and says "Fank you for wetting me watch Daniel Kiger"
- really enjoyed dressing up for Halloween as a princess.  She says "you say trick or treat, then they give you candy, then you say thank you!""
- goes to preschool Tues/Thurs mornings at OHCP for 2.5 hours.  She loves it!  She does have a hard time with being nice to her friends sometimes.  Her teacher says she uses her hands to bother other kids, either tickling their faces or something, but she's improving.  I help her by motivating her with 2 pink gumballs.  If her teacher gives me a good review, she is rewarded.  If her teacher says she had to be reminded to stop doing something then she doesn't get them.  The other day when I went to play bunco with my friends, on my way out the door, she said, "mom, be nice to your friends!"
- starting to write some letters in her name
- loves Violet's friend Alexis.  She runs excitedly out to the playground after Violet and Calvin are done with school (if I let them play for awhile) and hugs her.
- is learning what it means to obey.  She says, "but I don't want to.." if I ask her to do something and is getting better at obeying.  The last battle we had was me asking the kids to come to the van while on the playground.  Calvin came running first, followed by Violet, but Vanessa ran the opposite direction.  I told her she couldn't play next time because she didn't come when I called her.
- loves pink.  absolutely loves it!  she dressed today in pink pants, a shirt with pink hello kitty, pink socks, and asked for a pink bowl to eat her pink cereal she picked at the store (strawberry frosted mini wheats).  She talks about pink all the time.
- sleeps with her dark pink/striped blanket and a few babies she hasn't really attached herself to yet, and her little Ariel princess figurine. 
- wants us to "tweep" (sleep) with her at night, sometimes we do, sometimes we don't.  Last night she woke up in the middle of the night crying because she wanted someone to sleep with her.  I laid down with her for a few minutes until she went back to sleep and then I snuck out.
- wants "pwetzels and pea-da butter" for snacks a lot. "Look at dis udder big one!" showing me a big lump of peanut butter on the tip of her pretzel
- says "I'm firsty about milk" to say she wants a drink of milk. 
- says often, "I can't fink about it" (I can't think about it) if she doesn't know the answer to a question
- loves Berry Kix
- likes filling up a square building board with square legos
- asks for oatmeal squares all the time
- purposely shys away from the camera and won't smile.  She dodges photos.  Occasionally I'll capture a great smile out of her.
- still talks about Andrew, her swimming lessons instructor.
- takes me along a series of why questions...every answer I give is another reason to ask why to that answer.
- doesn't like her hair up in ponytails.  She yanks them out.  Her curly crazy hair is hard to control so she looks like she's got bedhead about 90% of the time except for right after a bath when the curls she has form nicely and look great.
- stores socks in her shoes all the time, I don't know how often those socks get washed.
- can buckle and unbuckle her carseat by herself
- still bothers Eli all the time by pinning him down with her legs or arms.  He fights it and gets out of it sometimes. 
- is getting into coloring more.  We print a lot of pictures, and the pink marker gets used most of the time
- doesn't regularly nap. Maybe a couple times a month, she'll lay down to sleep for a nap but its too much of a struggle for me to get her to sleep so I don't push it.  I have to leave every weekday at 3:00 to pick up Violet and Calvin anyway so I'd have to wake her up to go do this if she was sleeping.
- won't let anybody call the place she goes twice a week "school" .  "No!" she says, "its PREschool!"
- has less snot-blowing sneezes but they still happen.  I still hear sinus congestion when she talks.

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