Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Eli - Fall 2013

Eli is almost 18 months old (on Dec 4th he will be).  He's a little toddling bundle and is generally very happy child.

- likes to say "mom! mom! mom!" over and over until he gets what he wants.
- says "more, more more!" when eating for his next bite and makes it very obvious by turning his head quickly if he is done eating
- loves milk
- if he's in his car seat and wants his paci/blanket he will reach down to his right thinking they are down there saying "more, more, more" to indicate he wants them, but they often aren't there.  I think from our recent road trips he tosses them down there and thinks they're always there.
- has learned to run in the last few weeks.
- has learned how to climb up on a chair and up onto the table (yikes!)
- sticks legos in his mouth all the time and never swallows them.  If he sees me coming up to him with something in his mouth, he take it out and gives it to me.
- is wearing 2T clothes
- weighs almost 30 lbs
- is trained to use the toilet only if I take him. He won't do this on his own.
- still sleeps in the crib in the guest room
- takes one nap a day, sometimes at 11 am, sometimes not til 1pm. I'm happy if he gets one good nap in every day.
- likes to reach up and switch off/on the light above his head when I change his diaper.  He twists and turns and is our current "battle" if you want to call it lay still during a diaper change.
- has started going into Maggie's sunday school class - she said she'd take him and work with him since the 2 yr old class is pretty small.  He does ok.  Sometimes cries, but he'll grow into it.
- sits in the stroller a lot of places I go so he doesn't get into trouble
- likes raisins, grapes, cheese, chicken nuggets, pancakes, oatmeal, cheerios, cooked carrots, noodles, popcorn, bagels with cream cheese, and has recently discovered candy, after the onslaught of candy from Halloween.
- is teething right now, getting 4 in. eye teeth and canines.
- still loves those blankets and pacis.  I can't find but only one paci lately so he's a mess if I can't find it.  He snuggles his blankets and whimpers if its not available at the moment.
- is getting over his first ear infection.  He slept terribly at the hotel one night in Ohio, we suspected something could be wrong.  I saw infection in his ear when we got home and took him to a doctor and he was put on antiobiotics right away.  He's feeling much better now.

11-22-2013 - update
Just in the last hour, I have found Eli:
- digging in the corner cabinet banging the glass jar of molasses on the tile floor.  It didn't break.
- flushed the toilet and ran away
- found him with his teeth sunk into an onion he must have dug out of the cabinet
- found him on top of the dining room table with legos in his mouth
- climbed onto the seat of the green trike and fallen over three times
- knocks over Vanessa's stacking cups whenever he gets a chance
- plugging and unplugging everything he can find
- pushing buttons on the small oven controls

he is keeping me on my toes!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember his Great Granpa Joe Butler used to eat onions - just take a bite out it.
