I wasn't sure whether or not to include a blog about this. I just wasn't sure what to write. Dave had 2 weeks of travel planned back to back for work so he convinced me to go with him to Minnesota and stay at his cousin's house with him for 4 days. Jeff and Dave both worked so Denise and myself hung out with the kids. They have twin boys who are age 1 and a 2 yr old girl. So it was a lot of kids. We got out to the pool on Monday (with Jeff's help because he didn't work that day), and Denise and I went to the zoo another day. Some highlights:
- seeing Dave's Aunt Laura, Uncle Duane, cousin Kyle and his new baby Elec, cousin Brad, Aunt Joyce, his cousin Sara and her husband Andy and their daughter Evelyn.
- kids enjoyed playing in the sandbox outside, walking through their big garden, playing bean bag toss, serving up fake food on plates and blowing out candles on a plastic cake.
- Jeff and Denise's cooking is fabulous. Homemade e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Even homemade salad dressings, cinnamon rolls, pizzas, etc.
- getting to know Denise better
- seeing Christina Davis and her kids at the park one afternoon.
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