Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eli - 15 months

I'm a week ahead posting this (what!...ahead?) but had a moment of quiet time so I thought I'd post.  Eli is officially weaned.  He stopped nursing 2 days ago.  The transition was very easy for him but I think its harder for me somehow.  I will miss it.  I know it would only get harder to stop nursing if he was older.  He's eating most things and drinking lots of milk and water. When he doesn't want something he spits his tongue or makes a "shhh" sound with his mouth. He almost runs around the house now, and is trying to say more things.  His speech consists of these words:  more, mama, meena (he says this when he wants a drink), Bye-let (Violet), Eee-yii (Eli), here, uh-oh, a word for Calvin that is not understandable, and bye.  He sticks his arms straight up in the air and squeezes his fingers into a fist and opens them quickly when he wants to be picked up.  He still takes a paci and snuggled in his swaddling blankets when he's tired and ready to go to bed. He really loves it when I hold him and start bouncing 3 times and count to 3 then toss him up in the air and catch him.  He giggles and laughs every time.  He's such a little sweetie.

And of course, he can't stay a baby forever.  He is starting to throw these (I have to say it, they're pretty adorable) little mini-fits.  If he's upset about something, he'll sit on the ground purposefully, lay down, then start whining and rolling over.  The little fits last about 20 seconds and he gets over it and gets up and walks away.  He's also a cabinet digger - opens all the doors he can and pulls stuff out.

He can get up and down stairs very easily.  He usually goes down stairs backwards but this week he figured out how he can scoot down a step forwards one at a time.  He also likes throwing everything down the stairs, and into the pool on the deck.

Vanessa still bothers him all the time.  She is constantly taking things out of his hands, putting her hands on his body as he walks to "guide him along" somehow but ends up knocking him over.  She splashes him with water and takes his paci and blanket away from him.  Its no wonder he doesn't seem to like her at all.  I'm praying about their relationship.

Violet loves him to pieces
he wasn't all that happy with me that I put him down to take a picture, but it turned out alright.  He's getting there, becoming "one of the bunch"
yeah, he hangs out in his pajamas a lot

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