Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My grandmother "Mama Row" moved to Cedar Falls

She arrived on May 2nd, and her plane couldn't land in Cedar Falls because of SNOW!!  It was re-routed to Cedar Rapids, and it worked out amazingly well that my dad was in IA City for some dental meetings and was able to swing by and pick her up and take her to CF a few minutes after her flight landed there.  They arrived at our house for dinner (I made baked spaghetti, salad, and a chocolate layer pudding dessert) and she was determined to spend the night in her new place, having already ordered a twin mattress to sleep on to be delivered that day.  We made a run to buy some sheets, and she borrowed a towel and some toilet paper and got herself to bed. :) 

We've helped unpack some things, hang pictures on the wall, assembled some furniture, etc.  Most of all we've enjoyed her company, and she's come to some of the kid's things already.  She attended Violet's school's patriotic program, Violet's piano recital, she's had us over to help her plant some flowers in pots, and had ice cream/cookies after the piano recital.  She is excited to learn all what CF has to offer!

She let the kids help her plant some geraniums - but first, showed them some live worms to put into the soil!

already serving up ice cream for the kiddos


  1. Keeping up with your kids will be a full time job! Just the thing she needs. What a nice addition to the family :)

  2. Thanks for writing
