Friday, May 24, 2013

Calvin's preschool graduation

Calvin finished up his last preschool year at OHCP on May 24, 2013.  He went Mon, Wed and Fri mornings from 9:00-11:30.  He was very particular about getting out of his car seat and zipping up his coat before his teacher came to the door to walk him in.  He usually insisted on giving me a kiss/hug before jumping out of the van.

His favorite days were the days he was the leader and got to provide the snack for everyone.  On these special days he also got to bring an item from home for "show and tell".  He would always grab some random thing he saw and take it with him.  His last day bringing treats was at the beginning May.  He always said he wanted to bring grapes, apple juice, crackers and cheese sticks.  It was always some form of these things that he got to take along for snacks.  Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. Kimball were his teachers this year, a GREAT pair.  Mrs. Knapp also taught Violet when she was in her last year of preschool as well.  She is such an amazing teacher and person, well invested in the lives of the kids she teaches at preschool, and truly loves each kid. She was always excited to see Violet when there were times she didn't have school and Calvin did.

Calvin learned all sorts of things - lots of numbers and counting, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, how to write his full name, his address, phone number, cutting, drawing, coloring, learning to stand in line, take turns, be a leader, be a follower, do kind things for others, weather elements, calendars, and I am sure tons of other things I don't even know.  His handwriting has improved a lot.

Mama Row came along with us to see the end-of-the-year celebration program.  All the kids from the preschool classes got on stage and sang some songs before hanging them their certificates.  Of course the time concluded with lots of sweets!  Calvin thought of Violet and wanted me to wrap up a couple of cookies in a napkin and take them home for her.  What a sweetie!

 Calvin wanted to sit by his buddy Jagger

 Mrs. Kimball

 Mrs. Knapp

First Day of preschool (4-5 yr olds) - Aug 2012

Last Day of preschool - May 24, 2013


  1. I think you meant August 12 not 13.
    Nice Post

  2. Thanks for catching that.
