Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

My family is amazing!  Dave created a nice day for me.  He planned a delicious lunch after church (chicken salad on croissants, strawberries, coleslaw, veggies (from my Gma Row), and cupcakes.  Let me relax, grilled burgers and made frosted brownies (yum, my favorite).  I can't remember every detail, but the kids gave me special things from Sunday School too.  I love my family so much and love being "mom!!!" to my kids.

the top of the brownies has "Happy Mother's Day" written on it in red frosting

his mouth wide open is the "O"

from Violet "Dear Mom, you are the best mom I ever had. You have beautiful hair. I love you, mommy! <3 br="">

An interview of Calvin about me (taken by his preschool teacher):

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