Thursday, October 11, 2012

Eli - 4 months

Took Eli to his 4 month well baby check last week!  He's a healthy growing boy, a few ounces shy of 19 lbs (18 lbs 9 oz).  No wonder I can't hold him all that long anymore, my back and shoulders start aching.  He's 27 3/4 inches long and his head is 17 1/4" around.

He smiled his way through the appointment, googling and gurgling with the nurses and the doctor.  Vanessa was with me at the appointment and she played in the corner with the toys.  I had to take her to the bathroom across the hall (newly potty training and wanted to explore all bathrooms in the vicinity).  Eli even smiled up until the point the nurses had to poke his legs for his shots, then he cried for a little bit.  He calmed down pretty quick and fell asleep in his car seat on the way home.

I haven't started feeding him anything solid (or cereal yet)  He's getting VERY mouthy with anything he can shove in his mouth.  He chews on anything: blankets, burp rags, fingers, and toys.  He easily smiles and loves being interacted with. 

He sleeps whenever and wherever he can.  I usually put him up in the pack and play crib in the guest room to nap, but if he falls asleep anywhere else (like the couch or the floor), I'll leave him there.  At night he goes to sleep around 9pm, wakes up once around 5am to eat (usually he's flipped himself over laying on his back and can't roll himself back to his tummy yet so he lays there unhappy)...and after I feed him he goes back to sleep until about 8am.  This gives me enough time to help get Violet off to school in the mornings.

Calvin is the most interested in baby Eli of all the kids.  He loves holding him, playing with him, picking him up, rolling him around, etc.  Vanessa thinks he needs his paci in his mouth at ALL times.  Violet likes to hold him too but he is also very heavy for them so they tire of holding him quickly (unless they are both sitting).

We love our little happy boy so much. :)

This is a frequent scene in our living room...Calvin loving on his little brother.
 Calvin spinning Eli like an airplane.

 I snapped a pic of him rolling over.

Just two more pics...he found some paper on the floor and chewed on wonder he was so busy and quiet for so long.

1 comment:

  1. What a great baby Eli is! I loved seeing Calvin interact with him so much. That is so cute! The pictures were great.
