Monday, October 01, 2012

Day 1 of potty training Vanessa

Vanessa initiated this potty training adventure.  She had been asking to "go pee" a lot lately and wanting to sit on the toilet, so when she would ask, I would take her, and 3 out of 10 times she said this she would actually go pee.  This seemed like just another one of her fun activities. I wasn't too impressed with her accuracy so I wasn't all that excited about working with her on the toilet.  I honestly just felt too busy to deal with it and found it easier to diaper her so I didn't have to stop what I was doing and take her to the bathroom and help her with the whole potty-ing process. last Sunday morning at Bethany she was hanging on the bathroom door handle and saying "go pee! go pee!"  I knew she was wearing a diaper, so I found a place to put Eli and took her to a stall.  Her diaper was dry.  I put her on the toilet and she went. maybe she was ready.  I reluctantly agreed (with her, I guess), that it was time to get rid of the diapers.

So today she was in underwear all day.  It was the big game of the day, too.  She barely kept the underwear ON, constantly taking it off and leaving it around the house in random places.  Every time she took them off she wanted to go to the bathroom.  She would go, tinkle a few drops, and stop, wipe, and get all excited, flush the toilet, put her undies back on.  Then take them off, and do the whole process over again.  She DID manage to get to the toilet for #2 two times today, I was simply amazed by this fact.  She missed on another occasion.  Today was pretty successful in her going to the bathroom, but it seemed to escalate my busy-ness, as I had to put Eli down somewhere left screaming (having to stop nursing him) multiple times to help her with something bathroom related, and was not able to keep tabs on what Violet and Calvin were getting into a few times.  I did get an hour with her alone this morning, as Violet and Calvin were both at school and preschool, Eli took a nap, and she was awake.  I couldn't concentrate on anything else, only watching exactly what she was doing every moment of the day, and if I took my attention off her for anything longer than 5-10 minutes, she would have an accident and be walking slowly with her legs apart looking funny with her pants all wet.  At least she was uncomfortable like that.  I left her in undies on my very short errands to take Calvin to school and pick him up.  She didn't nap today either, as Dave is gone for 2 days and I had to pick up Violet from school at 3 pm.  I let the kids play on the school playground for an hour after school, and during this time she said she had to go pee so I went into the building with Vanessa and Eli and took her to the bathroom there.  During bath and bed time tonight, I think she wanted to go pee 15 times.  I know this will get better but the first few days are not easy!


  1. This entry just made me giggle! Her obsession with going... her not keeping the undies on... your description of her walking funny with her legs apart cracked me UP! Lol!!!!!! I know it is so much work I feel guilty telling you I am purely entertained by it all!!!
