Thursday, October 04, 2012

Day 3 potty training Vanessa

This is beginning to feel have Vanessa using the potty.  At nighttime she soaks her diaper but I don't really care about nighttime yet.  I'm starting to "hawk" her less during the day, as she is doing better at running to the bathroom to go herself.  She has had no pee accidents today (woke up from her nap a little wet though), and after my constant reminding knowing it was probably time for her to go, made a beeline for the bathroom to go #2 as well!  She immediately got a "poopy prize" (Calvin did too, haha, he was excited with her) which was a dum-dum sucker.  I'm so excited she's making progress!  She still is goofy about stuff, leaving her underwear all over the house and wearing multiple pairs throughout the day, being fussy about how she sits on the toilet (and purposely scoots back "too far" and goes "oh! oh! oh!" like she's pretending to fall in and then falls into a pile of giggles while doing so.  Mama is sick of the "games" already but whatever she needs to go on the toilet..well...she's gonna get it. :)  Sometimes she must have those precious flip flops or white sandals on her feet while going...whatever.  If they're not in her line of sight she doesn't care.  She often sits on the toilet, doesn't do anything, but still insists on wiping and flushing. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry the fun and games will pass.
    Meanwhile enjoy the process as much as possible as Vanessa is loving the attention.
    Otherwise, you might find she avoids the task (of using the potty) because it's not fun anymore.
    When training you and Rachel, there was a reward for being successful of course, but firm reprimand once you were capable but avoiding the hassle of of stopping what you were doing long enough to use the potty...but the rewards were enough to keep things progressing as M&M's were a very rare treat in our household!
    Another thing is be patient. There will be good days and bad days but with determination you will both succeed. Glad Calvin was "getting into it" too! Nice he rejoices with Vanessa. He can be a real sweetie.
    Certainly your days/minutes are full.
    But God is so able to supply you every moment with wisdom and grace...just keep asking!
