Monday, June 18, 2012

Vanessa is 2!

We missed Vanessa's actual birthday over the time we were waiting for Eli to be born, but celebrated when we got home instead. She got a few presents and the kids enjoyed some cake pops that Grandma Jo got them.  Her favorite was a pack of Sesame Street stickers and an Elmo book.  She got a tutu which she's warming up to.  Its super cute on her.  The party celebration was more for the older kids, who love to party. :) 

She also went to the pediatrician for her 2 yr well child check up at the same time I took Eli for his 2 week check up.  It works out in a convenient way to get them in for their check ups around the same time since their birthdays are so close together.

She is also very healthy.  Doc found nothing wrong with her.  She was initially a little scared to let the doctor check her out but she warmed up when she saw the stethoscope.  Violet "checks" her heart all the time with our play one at home.  She smiled and nodded her way through all the doctor's questions. :)  She's 26.5 lbs lbs and 34 3/4" tall.  Her weight and height are average, but her head is in the 90% percentile for size, 19.25" around.

A few recent Vanessa pics:

When asked if she wanted to have a birthday party, she responded with a "YES!"

Opening presents

Elmo socks!

 A super-cute hair bow! 

A tutu!

major spiral curls!  the humidity at the pool watching V and C at swimming lessons made it curl up

Everything is a celebration with Vanessa in the picture!

 Getting weighed at the doc (6-18-2012)

Calvin took this picture:

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