Monday, June 18, 2012

Swimming lessons for Violet and Calvin

This year I switched programs and tried out UNI's Paddling Panther's program for the kids.  I'm able to sign them up since I am a UNI alumni.  I think we all enjoyed the fact that it was an indoor pool (last year at The Falls through the Rec center turned out to be too cold in the mornings).  The classes went from 9:45-10:30 for two weeks (M-F) and I only made it to the last two days.  Barb A. took them to their first lessons (the day Eli was born - June 4th), I think Candi Busch took them to the second day, they missed a couple days while visiting us in Bellevue, and they finished up the last week with Dave taking them a couple days, Grandma Jo taking them a few days, and I came the last two.  It was my first outing with all 4 kids to take them to their lessons on the last day, June 15th.

I can't really say what they learned, all I know is they enjoyed it and kept them busy in the mornings for two weeks.  Calvin is much more fearful than Violet, and it takes lots of coaxing and persuading him to do anything out of his comfort zone.  One of his bigger fears was jumping in the water while holding onto his teacher's hands, going under water, and coming back up.  He wouldn't do it except for the last day.  He also was scared to go down the big yellow slide but eventually went down with his teacher on the last day wearing a life jacket.  The highlight of swimming lessons was getting to soak in the hot tub after each lesson for about 5 minutes.  Violet loved lessons and could do everything (mostly) that her teacher taught them.  They practiced strokes, treading, back/front floats, and diving for objects.  Vanessa sat in the stroller when I took her so I could tend to Eli if he was awake.  I would sign them up again there too.  The facility was nice, the teachers were skilled and patient, and the class sizes were small.

The kids remembered lessons outside from last year and much preferred to be inside.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I would say it was a very successful run.
    I enjoyed watching them when I took them a couple times, and was most impressed with Violet's skilled instructor...she communicated so well and handled the kids like a "pro"...she must have had a lot of experience teaching that level.
    Anyway, Calvin sure took some under water dives in our bath I'm sure he doesn't mind going under...but just wants to be in control of the situation. That's OK at least he was engaged listening and watching and it's amazing how much kids learn when they observe...doing will follow in good time.
    Good job parents for this opportunity to learn such a valuable life-long lesson!
