Monday, June 11, 2012

Eli's first week and my first week after having him

A week has passed since little Eli came into this world.  He lost the "smashed up newborn" face and looks more pink and healthy.  He continues to be an excellent nurser, always has one little burp, frequently has the hiccups after eating, and loves to be held.  At nights, he knocks out around 11pm and wakes up somewhere in the 3-4 am range for a feeding.  I tuck him in bed with me and nurse while I sleep.  He continues to sleep next to me until I notice he's done and I put him back in his bed, mostly on his tummy.  I know he's not "supposed to" sleep on his tummy but I think he's a strong baby and does just fine.  He always poops in the night, too.  I use a flashlight on my phone and light that up when I need light, otherwise, he figures out how to nurse in the dark and has become an expert.  He's so snuggly.  He loves sleeping near me and if I get a chance to take a nap, he will nap with me.  He is awake a couple hours of the day, and likes to look around.  He doesn't make eye contact that much, I guess that is a boy thing.  He poops and pees a lot, as any typical newborn does.  The first day we got home Violet suggested giving him a paci, so I got one out, and he took to it.  The kids like having the paci as "a solution" to helping him when he's crying. 

My physical recovery is going as well as I could expect it to.  Emotionally I'm still pretty sensitive.  I got a lot of comments at church from people, of course, I think the worst was "Don't you just love C-section babies, their heads are so perfectly round."  I wasn't so sure how to take that one.  I can't really talk casually about the birth yet.  Yes, it was better than previous births, but the overwhelming feeling of disappointment and frustration take center stage above all joyous feelings.  I don't like to hear other's birth stories yet.  I am so grateful for those who helped out with the kids when we were gone for 11 days, saying thank you and expressing gratitude is always full of tears. 

I've been taking a healthy dose of percocet pain killer which makes it possible for me to walk around, but my incision is still very sore if I touch it.  My baggy flabby belly feels like a bowl full of jello and Calvin asks me why it is still so big and why it isn't as small as his yet.

I made my first "outing" with just myself and Eli.  My mom came down to help and watch the kids so she took them to swimming lessons this morning and walked around the UNI-Dome, so I took the opportunity to make a trip to the bank to get some errands accomplished and went to Hy-Vee and bought some kitchen basics: fruit, bread and a few other items.  We are having some meals provided this week so that is wonderful.


  1. Thanks for writing and thanks to God for providing you the best outcome for your situation. I also loved reading your blogs lately. I guess you know already I see your faith in action and that is all a person can do is act on their God given conviction. Dr Finley was a good example to me also, for which I am thankful.

  2. Maria I so appreciate your candidness and vulnerability to share your thoughts and feelings. Your emotional and physical health are my two prayers for you, so I was glad for the update. I had to laugh so hard at Calvins innocent comment about your belly and why it isn't as small as his- lol!!! Poor you! Too funny. I love to hear how well Eli is doing - it's so cute he hiccups after feeding a lot. Again, thanks for writing this all and sharing it all. I love you! I can't wait to see you soon.
