Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eye doctor appointments for all this morning

I scheduled an hour with the eye doctor this morning.  I had to get checked, so did Violet and Calvin and Vanessa got in for her first exam. 

It went as well as I expected.  Vanessa was the one who presented the most challenges as far as cooperation and overall obedience, Eli slept the whole time in his car seat, and Violet and Calvin happily hopped up in the exam chair for each turn.  Violet went first.  She got eyedrops and her eyes dilated for the first time which she didn't think was that fun but she was a good sport through the short time it stung a little.  Calvin also did great, he made a sour face when the eye drops went in and dabbed his eyes with the kleenex he was holding.  The pupils got huge and while we waited for their eyes mine got examined.  They seemed to really enjoy holding the thing that covered one eye, then the other, and repeating letters over and over.  The eye doctor found both Violet and Calvin to be slightly far sighted but nothing requiring eyeglasses.  Both see well.  He also noted some small congetical cataracts (each have one) in each of their right eyes.  He said they have probably been there since birth and won't get bigger or have any negative effect on their vision. 

Vanessa sat on my lap for her exam and pointed to pictures and tried saying the words for what she saw.  The most audible words that we could decipher were "bir" for "bird", "car" and "han" for "hand" on the pictures across the room.  She was uncooperative when we tried covering her right and left eyes.

All of our up close vision was super blurry from being dilated, we got some "roll up" sunglasses to wear on the way out.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Swimming lessons for Violet and Calvin

This year I switched programs and tried out UNI's Paddling Panther's program for the kids.  I'm able to sign them up since I am a UNI alumni.  I think we all enjoyed the fact that it was an indoor pool (last year at The Falls through the Rec center turned out to be too cold in the mornings).  The classes went from 9:45-10:30 for two weeks (M-F) and I only made it to the last two days.  Barb A. took them to their first lessons (the day Eli was born - June 4th), I think Candi Busch took them to the second day, they missed a couple days while visiting us in Bellevue, and they finished up the last week with Dave taking them a couple days, Grandma Jo taking them a few days, and I came the last two.  It was my first outing with all 4 kids to take them to their lessons on the last day, June 15th.

I can't really say what they learned, all I know is they enjoyed it and kept them busy in the mornings for two weeks.  Calvin is much more fearful than Violet, and it takes lots of coaxing and persuading him to do anything out of his comfort zone.  One of his bigger fears was jumping in the water while holding onto his teacher's hands, going under water, and coming back up.  He wouldn't do it except for the last day.  He also was scared to go down the big yellow slide but eventually went down with his teacher on the last day wearing a life jacket.  The highlight of swimming lessons was getting to soak in the hot tub after each lesson for about 5 minutes.  Violet loved lessons and could do everything (mostly) that her teacher taught them.  They practiced strokes, treading, back/front floats, and diving for objects.  Vanessa sat in the stroller when I took her so I could tend to Eli if he was awake.  I would sign them up again there too.  The facility was nice, the teachers were skilled and patient, and the class sizes were small.

The kids remembered lessons outside from last year and much preferred to be inside.

The sandbox project

I asked Dave to build the kids a sandbox. The idea came from "what to do with the dirt spot where the tree fell down" over the winter. 
And build one he did! It required some planning and a few trips to the hardware store to buy lumber...and a week's worth of building time, but he got it done. He created a design himself from some other drawings he found online for a sandbox with benches around all 4 sides with storage under all the benches with lids. The kids thought it was taking f.o.r.e.v.e.r to build it but in reality 7 days was all it took. :)

Thanks daddy for all your work on this!  I still need to get a pic of the finished project with the lids on the benches.

progressive pics:

Vanessa is 2!

We missed Vanessa's actual birthday over the time we were waiting for Eli to be born, but celebrated when we got home instead. She got a few presents and the kids enjoyed some cake pops that Grandma Jo got them.  Her favorite was a pack of Sesame Street stickers and an Elmo book.  She got a tutu which she's warming up to.  Its super cute on her.  The party celebration was more for the older kids, who love to party. :) 

She also went to the pediatrician for her 2 yr well child check up at the same time I took Eli for his 2 week check up.  It works out in a convenient way to get them in for their check ups around the same time since their birthdays are so close together.

She is also very healthy.  Doc found nothing wrong with her.  She was initially a little scared to let the doctor check her out but she warmed up when she saw the stethoscope.  Violet "checks" her heart all the time with our play one at home.  She smiled and nodded her way through all the doctor's questions. :)  She's 26.5 lbs lbs and 34 3/4" tall.  Her weight and height are average, but her head is in the 90% percentile for size, 19.25" around.

A few recent Vanessa pics:

When asked if she wanted to have a birthday party, she responded with a "YES!"

Opening presents

Elmo socks!

 A super-cute hair bow! 

A tutu!

major spiral curls!  the humidity at the pool watching V and C at swimming lessons made it curl up

Everything is a celebration with Vanessa in the picture!

 Getting weighed at the doc (6-18-2012)

Calvin took this picture:

Eli's 2 week check up

Today I went to Dr. Jodi VanSickle and got Eli checked out for his 2 week baby well-check up.  He's weighing in at 12 lbs (already? whoa!) and 22 1/2" long.  After all the normal checks, has been assessed as a perfectly healthy, nothing-wrong-with-him baby. :)  Excellent!

As part of his newborn checks, I also took him to the chiropractor and he found a little tension in his neck when bending to his left side and got a little baby-sized adjustment, that might explain why he's been a bit fussy nursing on my right side at times (usually at night).  Otherwise his back and pelvis are all fine.

Observations about Eli at 14 days old:

- Everybody in this family loves to hold him, and often lands on the tummy or shoulder of whoever wants to hold him while he naps.  Ok, not every nap is while he is held, but he just loves to snuggle.
- He is sleeping pretty well at night, waking up at 3 am and 4 am to nurse, but otherwise, sleeps.  He will not, however, sleep well in his own bed right next to me, he prefers to be right NEXT to me in my bed.
- He responds to people talking to him by making eye contact and making noise.
- He is taking a pacifier which I like, it gives the older kids something to provide him with comfort, they like being helpers in that way.  He starts fussing and someone runs to find a pacifier!
- An overdose of estrogen he gets from mommy has caused common "baby acne" and has little breast buds full of breastmilk, about the size of little peanut M&Ms.  Uncle Jay didn't believe he had them until he saw. :)
- He got to "meet" his cousin Stella on Saturday night, 6-16-2012.

Uncle Jay meets Eli for the first time 

Stella and Eli

She got grumpy and Eli just looked mad.

 Vanessa sitting by Stella

Violet enjoying some snuggle time with Eli on Sunday morning

Eli - 13 days

sleeping in his car seat after his dr's appointment.  The blanket wrapped around his face held in his pacifier. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Eli's first week and my first week after having him

A week has passed since little Eli came into this world.  He lost the "smashed up newborn" face and looks more pink and healthy.  He continues to be an excellent nurser, always has one little burp, frequently has the hiccups after eating, and loves to be held.  At nights, he knocks out around 11pm and wakes up somewhere in the 3-4 am range for a feeding.  I tuck him in bed with me and nurse while I sleep.  He continues to sleep next to me until I notice he's done and I put him back in his bed, mostly on his tummy.  I know he's not "supposed to" sleep on his tummy but I think he's a strong baby and does just fine.  He always poops in the night, too.  I use a flashlight on my phone and light that up when I need light, otherwise, he figures out how to nurse in the dark and has become an expert.  He's so snuggly.  He loves sleeping near me and if I get a chance to take a nap, he will nap with me.  He is awake a couple hours of the day, and likes to look around.  He doesn't make eye contact that much, I guess that is a boy thing.  He poops and pees a lot, as any typical newborn does.  The first day we got home Violet suggested giving him a paci, so I got one out, and he took to it.  The kids like having the paci as "a solution" to helping him when he's crying. 

My physical recovery is going as well as I could expect it to.  Emotionally I'm still pretty sensitive.  I got a lot of comments at church from people, of course, I think the worst was "Don't you just love C-section babies, their heads are so perfectly round."  I wasn't so sure how to take that one.  I can't really talk casually about the birth yet.  Yes, it was better than previous births, but the overwhelming feeling of disappointment and frustration take center stage above all joyous feelings.  I don't like to hear other's birth stories yet.  I am so grateful for those who helped out with the kids when we were gone for 11 days, saying thank you and expressing gratitude is always full of tears. 

I've been taking a healthy dose of percocet pain killer which makes it possible for me to walk around, but my incision is still very sore if I touch it.  My baggy flabby belly feels like a bowl full of jello and Calvin asks me why it is still so big and why it isn't as small as his yet.

I made my first "outing" with just myself and Eli.  My mom came down to help and watch the kids so she took them to swimming lessons this morning and walked around the UNI-Dome, so I took the opportunity to make a trip to the bank to get some errands accomplished and went to Hy-Vee and bought some kitchen basics: fruit, bread and a few other items.  We are having some meals provided this week so that is wonderful.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Pictures of Eli Joseph

 43 weeks and 1 day pregnant - totally have the "basketball under the shirt" look

Right before meeting our little boy
 The screen behind him says 10 lbs 5 oz.
 first pic of the 3 of us
 He got to be right near me the whole time

 I even got to hold him on the way back to my room
 After nursing for the first time, he fell asleep.

 Look at that baby not even a day old holding his head up!

 Can't believe that hunk of baby was in there

 Dave with the kids coming to visit me, I saw them turn from the hospital window

 All dressed and ready to go home.