Saturday, May 19, 2012

Violet's school program - "Homeland"

Violet's school put on an end-of-the-year program called "Homeland" - a patriotic program.  They performed the entire show for Grandparent's Day on Thursday the 17th.  My mom and dad were able to come, and my Grandma Rowena drove up from Albia.  They spent the morning with Violet at her school touring the school and having lunch together before the program.  The last show was Friday the 18th at 6:30 pm.  She sang in a few of the songs at the beginning and end of the program.  She learned each song well and sang her heart out!  She loved wearing her "new shiny black clippy-cloppy shoes that sparkle and shine in the sun" that Grandma Jo got her and she said they look just like Selah's (her classmate) shoes.  She only has one week of kindergarten left!  She told me this morning that she had a dream she was already in first grade.  Maybe this stubborn baby boy was waiting for Violet's program to be over before he makes his appearance!


  1. Yeah - it lasted about as long as a dance recital! It was VERY well done and the kids didn't hold back...they seemed to enjoy every minute. Sure took a lot of practice to be stand and move as a unit too. I understand when performing a program that is already "set" they probably can't add to it or leave anything it was "over the top" patriotic and fight for freedom...however our homeland is in heaven and we're citizens of heaven...but honor is due to those that did fight for our freedoms. God has enabled our country to proper but all nations have a time frame...and rather than trying to fight for liberty, we are in God's army to liberate souls from slavery to sin as Christ sets us free. But I understand it was fitting for memorial day...but again as Christians we battle the principalities in the heavens...and Satin and his followers are destroying souls.

    Back to was good you didn't have to miss the program and thanks for letting be indulge Violet with a pair of patent leather shoes...they're always fun and classic.

    Well I have my bags packed and we got through opening day today.

    The Lord is in charge we have to be very quiet and listen to His voice...go where and when He leads...He often starts with "Do not fear..."
    You are in our prayers,

  2. Cute pic of violet! Wish I could have seen it. How special that her grandparents and great grandparents could be there!
