Saturday, May 12, 2012

Feeling yucky

I don't feel 100%.  Ok...that's true of most days...but I just feel "off" today.  My nose is still really stuffy, my lips are chapped from not being able to breathe through my nose at night.  My body feels a little weak but I'm not in pain.  I got a 2 hour nap this afternoon and woke up incredibly sweaty and my right eye keeps gooping up on me.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and also my "official due date"....for those of you who are counting. I'm not, however...I don't really think due dates matter!
Update today: I do feel better, not so yucky!  I am thankful for so much, my family is such a blessing!  I had a wonderful Mother's Day.


  1. Like they say, the apple falls off the tree when it's ready. Your kids are so healthy at birth I trust this one will be likewise God willing.
    I was encouraged by a hymn today...thinking of you and Dave going off in faith completely trusting in God for the outcome...and no matter how rough the waters, the Lord is in the boat with you...same as when the other three children were born.

    "Should we fear? Behold 'tis Jesus
    Holds the helm, and guides the ship;
    Spread the sails, and catch the breezes
    Sent to walf us through the deep
    To the regions
    Where the mourners cease to weep.

    Though the shore we hope to land on
    Only by report is known,
    Yet we freely all abandon
    Led by that report alone,
    And with Jesus
    Through the trackless deep move on.

    Let by faith, we brave the ocean;
    Led by faith, the storm defy;
    Calm amidst tumultuous motion,
    Knowing that the Lord is nigh:
    Waves obey Him,
    And the storms before Him fly.

    Rendered safe by His protection,
    We shall pass the watery waste,
    Trusting to His wise direction,
    We shall gain the port at last;
    And with wonder
    Think of toils and dangers past!

    O what pleasures there await us!
    There the tempests cease to roar:
    There it is that those who rail us
    Can disturb our peace no more:
    Trouble ceases
    On that tranquil, happy shore."

  2. I am sorry you aren't feeling well! So glad it turned into a better day! Goopy eyes are the pits. :-(
