Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dave is heading to Ohio for a missions trip

Dave is going to Ohio tomorrow through Saturday to work for a men's homeless rescue, something similar to Pacific Garden Mission.  This trip has been planned since last summer.  He has the opportunity to teach these men about salvation through Jesus Christ for 15 minute segments.  These men come to the shelter and are fed and housed only if they listen to a gospel message.  Thankfully he no longer is wearing his cast, and his hand is on the way to healing, although its tender in spots and he can't make a complete fist, he feels much better with it off.

Dave is leaving early in the morning and driving with Tony Myers and Jonathan Smith all the way to Ohio, so please pray for their safe travel, the Spirit to guide their words as they preach the gospel and serve in many other ways around the rescue, opportunities to speak with men individually, and hearts to be changed and men to accept Christ as their Savior.  I'm sure the spiritual forces Satan has employed on their behalf are working hard to make this trip a failure.  I'm happy he gets this unique opportunity to serve in such a full way.  Please pray for me too as I hold down the fort for 6 days alone.

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