Monday, March 19, 2012

Calvin gashed his tongue

Violet's new bike riding experience wasn't the only exciting part of the day.  Calvin bit his tongue pretty badly when he jumped off some playground equipment and landed on the ground.  He started screaming, all I saw was blood on his hands and face, and carried him over to the diaper bag quickly and wiped him off, squirted his mouth out with the water bottle I had, and got a decent look at the source for all the blood.  It was gushing out of his tongue and on top of all his screaming, it was a pretty gory site.  I used almost the last of my wipes to clean him up as best I could and get some pressure on his tongue for a few seconds through his screaming to determine how bad it was.  Somehow the cut did not go all the way through, its just a deep cut, about 1/2 inch wide and 1/4 inch deep, his pointy canine must have sunk in upon impact.  I don't know how it didn't get "bitten", just punctured on the top side of his tongue.  I have some pictures but they're disgusting so I'll spare you the sight.  My dad and sis have already taken a close look at them.  Another one of the more frustrating parts of that moment was the fact that my cell phone battery was almost dead and Dave had taken the car cell phone charger with him to Ohio.  It had the "5% remaining" warning with the red light blinking.  I was almost with out a lifeline, so after I got the kids loaded in the car and all our gear (a bike, a trike, and a stroller and two bags!) I made a quick dash to the Verizon store by Farm and Fleet and bought a cell phone charger quick.  I charged my phone on the way to Hy-Vee, that short drive got me 10% battery. 

My dad called in a Rx for some topical pain killer and some penicillin to avoid infection.  I spent the next hour at Hy-Vee talking to the pharmacist and shopping for groceries while I was waiting for the Rx to get filled.  When we got home I gave him his meds and accidentally poked his tongue injury with the syringe that contained some medicine.  My bad.  He screamed and was shaking so violently he couldn't stop his chin from chattering.  Violet was in tears watching him suffer.  All of us were very, very hungry.  It was one of those moments where I could tell I was about to flip out and start crying along with the rest of the crew from the overwhelming situation or force myself into silent calmness.  Calmness took over, I didn't speak and made the first soft food I could think of, cream of wheat...Violet and Calvin both had huge bowls.  Vanessa had some too, and I ate an english muffin with peanut butter.  Calvin's tongue was still bleeding.  He settled down with a full tummy and laid on the couch holding a wet wipe on his tongue, throwing it away when it was soaked red and getting a new one.  He seemed to calm down well, even laughing at times.  But bedtime was difficult.  I brushed his teeth the best I could with out toothpaste.  Even 5 hrs later its still bleeding.  He is going to wake up looking like a murder scene happened with a soaked towel of blood surrounding him.  If it doesn't improve by the end of the day tomorrow, I may have to take him in for stitches.

1 comment:

  1. Nice account of the situation, I feel right along with the story. I can relate to the calmness part too.
    Glad you wrote about that part.
