Sunday, July 31, 2011

Vanessa - 14 month update (6th & 7th teeth came in)

She will be 14 months when she wakes up tomorrow morning.  I don't know how much she weighs, but I can tell she is gaining, because she's starting to feel like a lug instead of a little baby in my arm. 

I nursed her for the last time last night before bed.  Today was the first full day of not nursing at all.  I think she's ready to be done, I'm not producing much and I don't want her to grow into being an older toddler and wanting to nurse, so its time to stop.  It is always sad for me when I nurse, because it is something I enjoy.  But this little girl is turning into a crazy sweet little goofy girl and I'm excited to see her keep changing as time goes on. 

She is an odd eater.  She has moments of being super picky, and times when she can shove anything in sight into her mouth and swallow it.  She doesn't like oatmeal like the other two kids.  She loves raisins, cold cereal soaked in milk (favorite is honey nut cheerios), bananas, peaches, cooked carrots, granola bars, toast with jelly or peanut butter, applesauce, yogurt, cheese chunks, and noodles.  I know there's more, but those tend to be her staples.  She also loves anything out of a straw sippy cup - whole milk, water, or watered down juice on occasion.

She loves playing peekaboo, carrying two blankets around (one in each hand), and relocating any important object of mine to mysterious locations around the house.  I found my flip flops in the little doll baby crib upstairs in the hallway last week.  She likes to snag the kitchen towels off the bar by the stove.  She's also a cabinet handle grabber, investigating any cabinet items she is not supposed to be into.  She does NOT like to be sectioned off or shut into a room alone.  Sometimes Violet and Calvin will pick her up and move her so she's "not in their way" and she doesn't like it one bit. 

She is pretty ticklish too.  I painted her toenails for the first time yesterday.  Violet thought that was pretty cute.

Her 7th tooth came in, a right molar.


  1. Good observations Maria!
    Vanessa is growing into new things so fast...just like Iowa corn in the heat and humidity...and we've had a lot of that lately!
    I noticed in your super account of the TN trip (following) you didn't really mention the heat and humidity much, which was tolerable, but uncomfortable. I can relate to your events, except the driving, since we shared the cabin and did most things together.
    So thank you for the record...and Lincolns sure know how to host a family alright!
    I was glad to get home mainly because it was the last of five trips and was looking forward to some kind of "normal" routine.
    Every week has had something to prepare for otherwise. I'm glad you and Dave make such a good travel team. I didn't realize Dave was gone before you left for St. he put a lot of time on the road and you had a lot on your hands! My God give you much grace at those times!
    See you soon!

  2. Thanks for your comments on Vanessa. So she is getting weined and growing up with diferrent preferences than V and C (no likey the oatmeal?!). I cannot tell you enough how nice it is for me to read about your kids when I can't be there to get to know them. Love Rachel
