Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vanessa is officially a walker 100% of the time

She is now on her feet nearly every single time I turn around and see her.  She walks with more confidence, falling very little now, and can stand up anywhere in the middle of a room.  Its still crazy to me to see her up and walking!!  Just a few weeks ago she was crawling everywhere. 

Dave found this quote and I think its so true: "Trying to clean up a house with kids running around is like trying to brush your teeth while eating an oreo cookie."

Vanessa is into EVERYTHING...I simply can not keep up.  The three kids are like a tornado moving any object that is moveable to somewhere else.  Toys everywhere, papers I thought were in one place are in another, etc.  I found one of my flip flops that I wear frequently upstairs in the hallway inside a baby doll crib.  I blame that one on Vanessa.  I used to be really on top of picking up toys and getting all the little pieces that go together in the right spot or container, putting every puzzle piece in the right spot...but MAN that is seemingly impossible lately.

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