Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer stuff

The inflatable pool on the deck has become a favorite thing lately for Violet and Calvin.  The day I stopped insisting they play in their swimsuits and let them swim in their underwear was the day they started loving swimming.  I fill it up frequently for them with hot water using the hose and the hot water spigot from the garage, and they will spend many hours splashing and playing.  It is sort of deep, probably 2 feet, but enough for Violet to "swim" without touching the bottom.  She likes putting on her goggles and Calvin just simply likes to splash and jump.  They jump into the pool off the little plastic picnic table they call their "diving board".  Calvin is always asking me if he can swim in his wet undies.

 Giggling their heads off because they discovered how to flop backwards and get their heads wet while eating a snack.

Another new thing is we tried putting Calvin and Violet together in Violet's room again.  We tried it last summer when they were 4 and 2, and Calvin was too immature to handle the togetherness, he kept getting out of his bed and messing with stuff.  This year is better - the transition was motivated by the kids BOTH complaining about sleeping alone.  We had spent a couple nights at the Amana Colonies last weekend and they shared a bed and loved it.  The first night home they were both in tears about sleeping in their beds in a room alone...so we thought this might be a good time to make the switch.  If this continues to go smoothly for a few weeks we'll move Vanessa's crib to Calvin's room and have a dedicated guest room again.

They have shared a room for the last 3 nights, and so far so good.  Calvin always wakes up first, and depending on how deep Violet is sleeping, she might wake up, she might not.

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