Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weird weather

We had a "thunder-snow-storm" this morning.  Freezing rain turned to tiny beads of hail, thunder was crashing, then the precipitation turned to wet snow.  Ick!  There was one very loud crack of thunder that freaked the kids out this morning.  It happened while I was trying to get the 3 kids out the door to Bible study.  I was putting Vanessa in her car seat in the garage, and the other two kids were screaming their heads off scared mostly because of the loud thunder crack (it shook the house! It even startled me!) and the fact that they couldn't find me.  I knew they'd be terrified so I bolted in the house ASAP and heard frantic wailing immediately.  They both grabbed their baby blankets and needed a snuggle on the couch before we left.  The discussion in the van on the way to BBC was all about the weather.

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