Friday, April 22, 2011

"Morning red"

This morning I woke up before all the kids woke up and took a shower, got ready for the day, and went down to get some breakfast.  Calvin is always the first to wake up, he started crying because he couldn't find me in bed (which is pretty typical of him, he usually wakes up at 6:45....but this morning he slept in til 7:30).  I told him I was downstairs so he came right down and asked for some cereal.  As he and I ate our cereal together at the table, we had a conversation about the color red.  His pajama sleeves were red, my shirt was red, and the dishrag I was using to wipe up his milk spills was red.  He took note on the red colors and said "Wook mom! Da colors are all red! My weeb (sleeve) is red, the dikrag (dishrag) is red, and your kirt (shirt) is red!"  I made a comment that my shirt was sort of dark red, and he said "yeah, mine is a morning red".  Silly boy.

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